Can I call on the river here? 10NL 6max

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Can I call on the river here? 10NL 6max

BB: $9.49
HJ: $1.99
CO: $8.92
BN: $13.17
SB: $17.71 (Hero)
HJ is 29/8 over 61 hands, BTN is 77/18 over 22 hands and I am 25/21 over 165, but as these players only have 61 hands on me those stats may be slightly different.
Preflop ($0.15) (5 Players)
Hero was dealt A J
HJ calls $0.10, CO folds, BN raises to $0.30, Hero calls $0.25, BB calls $0.20, HJ calls $0.20
When the BTN isolates the limper I am caught in two minds: either 3b as the BTN's range is wide and I can get value with AJo or just call and keep the weak limper in the hand.
Flop ($1.20) 4 7 A (4 Players)
Hero bets $0.70, BB folds, HJ raises to $1.69, and is all in, BN calls $1.69, Hero calls $0.99
On the flop, as it is four way I decide to lead - if I'm honest now I don't know what my reasoning was. I guess I didn't want to check and let the BTN bet then I call and then the shortstack goes all-in behind making things a bit more awkward. If I bet here the shortstack can go all-in and I think my decisions will be easier. If the BTN has a strong hand he will raise to get it in vs the shortstack or call with a more marginal hand.
Turn ($6.27) 4 7 A Q (3 Players)
Hero bets $3.20, BN calls $3.20
When the BTN just flats I'm putting him on a worse Ax and possibly AQ,AK that he is playing passively (although I'm not entirely sure) then also pocket pairs 88-KK maybe, and flush draws and straight draws. On the turn we're still ahead of all of the Ax hands so I feel that we can get value by betting here and if he shoves/raises we can fold. When he just flats I think he can sometimes have a flush, but then also some weaker pair plus draw type hands.
River ($12.67) 4 7 A Q 9 (3 Players)
Hero checks, BN bets $7.98, and is all in
When we get to the river if we bet I think we only get value from AT,A8,A6,A5,A3,A2. All of his marginal hands (which include these Ax hands) check back the river so I feel pretty confident that I can check/fold here. Is that good reasoning? The only thing I beat here is a bluff or hand that he turns in to a bluff, right?

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