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Does Size Really Matter

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Does Size Really Matter

I am GTO deficient and having trouble setting the conditions for the solve, mostly with bet sizing.

For instance, OOP srp, it seems like two sizings ,33% and maybe 75% are sorta standard. Maybe not?

Why not just simplify to one size 50%?

When the bet size changes, the solver seems to adjust frequencies to regain balance.

I don't want to study inferior solves.

So does size really matter?

Or is it rather nailing the frequency that corresponds with the size used. So if we study the game using the 50% example above and we nail the frequencies we r GTO and nothing else matters?

Seems i remember Sauce mentioning in a video that opening 2.5 or 3 bb doesn't really matter EV wise, sorta that concept applied to flop sizings?

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