Donking turn small HU

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Donking turn small HU

I've been a HU grinder for a long time and I see many players leading turn after I cbet flop usually like 1/3 1/4 pot...  its semi annoying to play against but I dont see the point of it.  Players seem so unbalanced when they try and use it.  Is it more of a blocker bet with gutters and hands with no SD value?  Like lets say you have K10o on Kd 9c 6C board and you cbet flop he calls turn is 6 and he donks 1/4 pot are we just calling?  Raising and checking River? I'm talking guys that do this at very high freq... I don't understand it because it doesnt build a big pot and it seems impossible to have balanced range on the river when you check call flop and turn OOP if you are donking so many turns.  I know this is a very general question... if anyone has a good video that explains it please let me know.  Thanks!

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