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good river fold?

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good river fold?

B p1 $9

sb p2 $20

bb p3 8.7

utg p4 10

utg2 p5 11.3

CO 21.63 (Hero)

.05/.10 bovada

folds to hero in CO with AdQd hero bets .40 B folds sb p2 calls bb folds

Board QhTh8c pot .90      p2 checks hero bets .70 p2 calls

Board QhTh8c 3c  pot 2.30       p2 checks hero bets 1.75 p2 calls

Board QhTh8c 3c 4c pot 5.80      p2 checks hero bets 3.75 p2 bets 10 hero folds....

a flush is unlikely but seems that this is almost never a bluff esp at mirco to tight or the right move no history with the player or stats.

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