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hero call

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hero call

so i did a hero call and it worked out

Hand #1516762657 - Holdem(No Limit) - $0.01/$0.02 - 2023/01/10 18:03:04 UTC
Delray Beach 6-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: Zealed ($2.08)
Seat 2: JMcGuire1987 ($1.98)
Seat 4: oddsout ($2.09)
Seat 5: Billylean ($2.71)
Seat 6: Maych ($1.94)
Billylean posts the small blind $0.01
Maych posts the big blind $0.02
Dealt to Billylean [Th Qh]
Zealed raises $0.06 to $0.06
JMcGuire1987 folds
oddsout folds
Billylean raises $0.14 to $0.15
Maych folds
Zealed calls $0.09
FLOP [2d Ac 8h]
Main pot $0.31 | Rake $0.01
Billylean checks
Zealed bets $0.11
Billylean calls $0.11
TURN [2d Ac 8h] [8s]
Main pot $0.52 | Rake $0.02
Billylean checks
Zealed checks
RIVER [2d Ac 8h 8s] [7d]
Main pot $0.52 | Rake $0.02
Billylean checks
Zealed bets $0.30
Billylean calls $0.30
Main pot $1.09 | Rake $0.05
Zealed shows [Qs 9s] (a pair of Eights [8s 8h Ac Qs 9s])
Billylean shows [Th Qh] (a pair of Eights [8s 8h Ac Qh Th])
Billylean collected $1.09 from main pot
Total pot $1.09 | Rake $0.05
Board [2d Ac 8h 8s 7d]
Seat 1: Zealed showed [Qs 9s] and lost with a pair of Eights [8s 8h Ac Qs 9s]
Seat 2: JMcGuire1987 folded on the Pre-Flop and did not bet
Seat 4: oddsout (button) folded on the Pre-Flop
Seat 5: Billylean (small blind) showed [Th Qh] and won $1.09 with a pair of Eights [8s 8h Ac Qh Th] with the kicker Ten
Seat 6: Maych (big blind) folded on the Pre-Flop

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