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HH interesting hand

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HH interesting hand

I see what he was thinking there, interesting

NL Holdem $0.10(BB)
SB ($15.35)
BB ($10.15)
UTG ($9.90)
HJ ($11.70)
HERO ($15.34)
BTN ($10.84)

Dealt to Hero: 6d 9h

UTG Calls $0.10, HJ Folds, HERO Raises To $0.20, BTN Folds, SB Folds, BB Folds, UTG Calls $0.10

Hero SPR on Flop: [17.64 effective]
Flop ($0.55): 8d 3s 7s
UTG Checks, HERO Bets $0.10 (Rem. Stack: 15.04), UTG Calls $0.10 (Rem. Stack: 9.60)

Turn ($0.75): 8d 3s 7s Td
UTG Checks, HERO Bets $15.04 (allin), UTG Calls $9.60 (allin)

River ($25.39): 8d 3s 7s Td 9s

UTG shows: 9d As clever bastard, smart enough to get in big trouble

HERO wins: $18.96

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