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how to deal with carzy bluffs when our range is naked

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how to deal with carzy bluffs when our range is naked

it's $10/$20 live.
I have a kind of tough spot occurred repeatedly these days.the crazy LAG fishes know that I'm playing relatively tight,especially when I 10-15x iso range is basically the nuts,AK/QQ+
some of them just fold pre,some of them are too rich to fold and have the ego problem,they like to outplay the pro.
so,they will call with random thing and would rep the board on postflop with a high frequency.
they have a mentality that I would say is kind of smart."well,he can't have the nuts on this board,however I could have anything,let me just blow off his AA/KK and showed on his face"
so when the board comes like 345r or 872r,I get raised a ton,and they just pot pot shove no matter what card comes next.
yesterday I 10x iso when several limpers in front of me on BTN with KK,got check-rasie on flop 934r,pot on 3 turn,shove on T river with back door flush.I fold and he showed 87s which is total air got check-raised by BB on Q33r,pot A turn,shove on 5 river,I had QQ,he showed 97o.
when it's 100bb deep,most time I think it's just a whatever call down.but things become tough when it's over 300bb deep.
so what is our counter strategy?taking a passive and safe line that check back a lot on flop?

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