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How to get value on river when flush is made?

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How to get value on river when flush is made?

Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players) SB: $3.46
BB: $5.19
UTG: $19.39
MP: $7.35
CO: $9.53 (Hero)
BN: $5.00
Preflop ($0.07) Hero is CO with Q A
2 folds, Hero raises to $0.13, BN raises to $0.46, 2 folds, Hero calls $0.33
Flop ($0.99) 6 7 J
Hero checks, BN bets $0.48, Hero calls $0.48
Turn ($1.95) 6 7 J 5
Hero checks, BN bets $0.94, Hero calls $0.94
River ($3.83) 6 7 J 5 K
Hero bets $1.21, BN folds
Final Pot CO wins $3.67
Rake is $0.16

What's the best way to get value or value bet on the river? I think turn call is pretty standard, but I'm not sure if I have the option to raise.
I donked the river, and that's usually what I do at OOP to get value when I complete my flush.

1. raising the turn
2. donk bet the river
3. x/r river
Also it would be great to know your opinion on bet sizing

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