How to increase my big blind VPIP?

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How to increase my big blind VPIP?

I like to watch and gather stats on the high stakes heads up no-limit games that run on some of the networks I play in. Here is some data I gathered from 2 regs who were battling it out at $5/$10. Both players are high stakes heads up no limit regulars and I've blacked out their screen names out of respect.

They both VPIP 75-80% in the big blind. I VPIP like a complete knit-bag out of the big blind and want to figure out ways to increase my big blind VPIP while still staying balanced post-flop. I feel like to hold my own in the high stakes games, I need to start playing more hands OOP because you can't win if you fold right?

Any tips regarding preflop ranges and ways for constructing a proper flop check/call range? I'm assuming that since I'm playing looser preflop I need to be check/folding more on the flop.

Lastly, since the flop will often get checked through when I'm OOP with a wide range of holdings how should I go about constructing my turn probe range?

In addition, when it gets checked to the river, how to I tame my OOP river bluff lead range with my "bottom of my range" bluffs. I will have to check back on the river a decent amount of hands with no showdown value and just completely give up on to stay balanced right? How should I use blockers to decide which parts of this range to bluff with OTR?

Sorry if that's a lot of questions, just some things that I've been thinking about since I'm having trouble sleeping tonight I was doing some theory work to try to lull myself to sleep, but poker is so interesting! :D


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