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HU 100, weak 2pairs on R in 3b pot

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HU 100, weak 2pairs on R in 3b pot

BB: $101 (Hero)
SB: $160.18
Preflop ($1.50) (2 Players)
Hero was dealt Q 4
SB raises to $2, Hero raises to $8, SB calls $6
Flop ($17.50) 9 Q 2 (2 Players)
Hero bets $8.40, SB calls $8.40
Turn ($34.30) 9 Q 2 4 (2 Players)
Hero bets $20, SB calls $20
River ($74.30) 9 Q 2 4 K (2 Players)


villian is a good reg , early in the match . Opens 94% and fold to 3b about 63 %.  Whats your default play here, just jamming ? If we jam i dont think we r getting called by worse, potentially AQ, KJ,KT ?! And if we decide to c/call i dont see that much bluffs J9 or 88 dunno ..  What do you guys think ? Should i feel dirty check-folding in such spot or ?

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