Interesting turn, HUNLH 3bpot

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Interesting turn, HUNLH 3bpot

SB: SB: 122.70
BB: Hero: 487.84
Preflop (1.50) (2 Players)
Hero was dealt A J
SB raises to 3, Hero raises to 10, SB calls 7
Flop (21.50) K J 8 (2 Players)
Hero checks, SB bets 14, Hero calls 14
Turn (49.50) Q (2 Players)
Hero checks, SB bets 28

*** MOD: Moved to Low Stakes [2014-01-13 5:10 CET] ***

Hey guys,

PT4 is displaying the HH in BB's for some reason, not sure how to change it to $$.  Never the less this is a 2/4 euro HU match vs a somewhat weak opponent.  He is 3xing 92% over 1k sample size.  Hero is up 4 BI so far over 2 tables.

Preflop vs a 3bvillan has folded 50%, 4b 12% and called 38%.  Hero is 3bing 25% so far, and a polarized range has gone to showdown, so I started just 3betting a wide value range vs him about 100 hands ago.  Only one of his 4b's has gone to showdown and it was JJ.  Never the less I do suspect villain is 4bing hands that aren't quite good enough to call and don't want to fold like A7o-A9o, K7o-K9o sometimes.  He has folded to CB in 3b pot 19%,50%,100% on flop, turn and river respectively.

Although I would bet bet this hand OTF and continue OTT sometimes, I decided to check call the flop this time as he has been betting when checked to 65% in 2b/3b pots combined and I just took a BI from him at the other table <10 hands ago, so I thought he would stab with a few extra air hands than normal.

The turn is where it gets interesting. I am torn between checkraise and check call. Our hand is too good to consider folding, but not so great to just jam over his cbet.  The only hands we can expect to fold that are better than ours are QJ, QT I think.  We do have a ton of equity vs villains value range, so a jam is still not bad especially when considering we will have a tough time realizing our implied odds much of the time.  Villain can check back rivers and realize his showdown value with a lot of his hands that are ahead OTT.

Thoughts?  Jam?  Call and decide on rivers?  If we are taking the later route how often do we need to be calling river jams?

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