Is it ok to just go with the 'F*** it I call' line when calling a river overbet?

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Is it ok to just go with the 'F*** it I call' line when calling a river overbet?

CO: jokiikoj: $23.25
BN: lucky-loos84: $25
SB: tigertonkin: $24.56
BB: Jacub1987: $27.83
UTG: rodders27: $26.58
HJ: guvshergill: $25
Preflop ($0.35) (6 Players)
tigertonkin was dealt Q A
rodders27 folds, guvshergill folds, jokiikoj raises to $0.75, lucky-loos84 folds, tigertonkin raises to $1.50, Jacub1987 folds, jokiikoj calls $0.75
jokiikoj was playing lots of hands so I felt his range was wide. When he just calls my re-raise I feel hands like JJ+ and AK are no longer in his hand. (of course its possible but it just doesnt feel like he would only call with those hands)
Flop ($3.35) K 8 Q (2 Players)
tigertonkin checks, jokiikoj bets $2.25, tigertonkin calls $2.25
on the flop I decided to check call with middle pair. I am worried about hands such as 88 & KQ also KJ, K10 are smack in the middle of his range.and J10 would probably also bet into this flop along with the club draw.
Turn ($7.85) K 8 Q 3 (2 Players)
tigertonkin checks, jokiikoj checks
Again I plan to check call. My gut instict here is that K J, K10, and other weak Kings would check this back which he did and I also felt a weak flush would still bet for protection and to disguise his hand.
River ($7.85) K 8 Q 3 7 (2 Players)
tigertonkin checks, jokiikoj bets $10, tigertonkin calls $10
Originally I feel the river is a complete blank but when he bets $10, i feel like I have been punched in the stomach and he might have caught a semi bluff catcher by holding something crazy like k7, Q7. I also felt that his hand was polarised and hands like J10, J9 etc missed their draw.

In the end I felt it was 50/50 as KJ, K10 would never overbet the river and literally just thought 'F**k it' I call.

Although I won the hand which I am grateful for, I am not happy with the end of my thought process! As it turned out I never thought he would be holding A 10.

I feel this a tough spot and my question is how would you analysis the rivercard and overbet by Jokiikoj?
Final Pot
jokiikoj has T A tigertonkin has Q A tigertonkin wins $26.50

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