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Live 2/3/5 game $1k effective. Overplay?

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Live 2/3/5 game $1k effective. Overplay?

This hand is from a live 2/3/5 9-handed game in the Bay Area. The current hand has been straddled to $10 and effective stacks are $1000. Villain in the hand is your average bad 2/3/5 player who calls a bit much but I haven't seen him get out of line much with raising.

Preflop (Pot size: 0)
BTN posts 2
SB posts small blind 3
BB posts big blind 5
UTG straddles 10
UTG+1 folds
UTG+2 calls 10
MP folds
HJ folds
Hero bets 40
BTN folds
SB calls 37
BB folds
UTG+2 calls 30

Flop (Pot size: 137) [Q♣︎9♠︎5♠︎]]
SB checks
UTG+2 checks
Hero bets 60
SB raises 120
UTG+2 folds
Hero calls 60

Turn (Pot size: 377) [K♦︎]]
SB checks
Hero bets 250
SB calls 250

River (Pot size: 877) [3♦︎]]
SB checks
Hero is allin 590
SB tank calls after about 2 minutes

Summary (Pot size: 2,057)
SB shows ??
Hero shows [K♣︎Q♠︎]]

TBH the flop re-raise was a bit out of character and the turn and river lack of aggression really through me off. Should I be going for maximum value here or should I try and pot control after the flop re-raise? Thoughts on turn and river sizing?

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