Live $5/$10 NL: Dealing with an Aggro Postflop

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Live $5/$10 NL: Dealing with an Aggro Postflop

I'm a young TAG grinder. V is also a young grinder but looser but more importantly much more aggressive, especially postflop. We've had history where he's tried to barrel turn and river big with air and I called him down with TPGK. Since then he's hasn't tried to pull something like that against me but he's very capable and does take really aggro lines postflop quite often. We just played a hand where I had KQ on Q-high flopped, he bet into me, I called IP, flush came in $1000 eff. OTT, he bet again, I called, and he bet river 1/3 pot and I called and he had the flush. This hand happened 10 mins ago, still very fresh for both of us. He knows I'm tight and generally respects my game. He also knows that I know that he can be substantially out of line postflop and I'm open to calling him down in spots where I'd fold to others.

V opens to $30 in UTG+1. His UTG range is not very tight. MP2 calls, HJ calls, I call in CO with 7c7s.

Flop: TsTc2s Pot ~ $140 V leads $90, folds to me, I call because I think there's a high chance I'm good and he cbets very wide.

Turn: Qs Pot ~ $320 I dread this card as he just hit his flush with a similar line 10mins ago. Also brings an over of course. He bets $180, I'm not sure exactly why but I call. I know he could be repping the flush especially given what happened 10mins ago, I'm not very afraid of the Queen but honestly I just want to call this guy down on an emotionally, perhaps tilty level. I know this is probably bad.

River: Js Pot ~ $680 He checks.

You and why? Also what do you think of my earlier street calls?

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