Live hand vs cheaters 5/10

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Live hand vs cheaters 5/10

So a fellow reg told me a hand that happened recently at a 5/10 livegame. Everybody knew something fishy is going on with three of the players (all moldavian players including the 10k hu scammer, but my reg"friend" didn't know that then, we found out the same night)

hand goes BU Livestraddle and call, Coca (Hu-scammer) raises to 120 and the reg was talking to a friend and told him "Look today there is something interesting going on" and decided to not protect his hand as he used to do in this environment. He triggered a stare by 1 or 2 of the moldavian players and now he checked his cards ... KK his stack 1.5k.

Now he assumes the moldavian players have marked at least some Ks and Aces maybe more cards, not sure. So assuming they have a very strong idea about his hand, how do we play it?

He thought about it for a while and said he decided to just jam allin, so he cannot be outplayed postflop if his hand is faced up.

What do you think about the jam, i think it is a fine option, but maybe a committing raise would be a better option?

Unique spot thats why i am curious :D

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