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Looking for some kind of study group/strategy group or similair

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Looking for some kind of study group/strategy group or similair

I'm looking for some kind of NL 6max skype group (or just a couple of ppl) to discuss strategy with. Currently I dont got to many people to discuss poker with aside from having a coach and some friends which play one or two stakes below me. My expertise is decent I would say, I have been using crev,pt4,piosolver,equilab etc for quite a while now. Aside from this i've done the alan jackson analysis so and I coach myself as well. Not sure how to describe my dedication in another way than what I wrote here. I do however hope/think I could bring some value to a group and the other way around of course.

If you have any doubts, questions or similair feel free to pm me.
This post is aiming to ppl who play midstakes/highstakes nl or similair. Open for any kind of suggestions.

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