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Looking to start/join Skype Group Live NLH

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Looking to start/join Skype Group Live NLH

I am a fulltime live low-mid stakes NLH player with over 2k hours logged. Looking to start a weekly or biweekly study group on Skype. I play $1-2 and 2-5 as well as tourneys ($300-$1500). I am open to helping those who are new to Live NLH as well as learning from those who have already found success.

Personally, I would like to improve my fundamentals and would love to get the opinions of others outside my player pool.

Hoping this could be a 1 to 2 hour weekly commitment possibly Mondays or Tuesdays. I live on the West Coast (MTN time) and would prefer morning or afternoon session.

Post here or PM if you're interested

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