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low set on wet board facing donk shove river 150BB

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low set on wet board facing donk shove river 150BB

Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players) SB: $10.05
BB: $24.86
UTG: $10.71
MP: $10.25
CO: $8.15
BN: $15.00 (Hero)
Preflop ($0.15) Hero is BN with 5 5
UTG raises to $0.35, 2 folds, Hero calls $0.35, SB folds, BB calls $0.25
Flop ($1.10) 5 J K
BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets $0.70, BB raises to $1.90, UTG folds, Hero calls $1.20
Turn ($4.90) 5 J K 2
BB bets $2.30, Hero raises to $5.00, BB calls $2.70
River ($14.90) 5 J K 2 A
BB bets $7.10, Hero folds

villain is 50/32 over 28 hands / 1.3 agg factor

calling his 3 bet on flop is standard to me... i keep worst hands in his range like draws...

on turn... when he donks and i decided to raise.... should i raise bigger? since were deep stack i can probably afford to raise like 3X or 3.5X vs this villain....

when he call turn and donk shove river can i realy calll... like do i really beat something... i thought he had a flush or straight 100% of the time

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