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NFD in squeezed pot OOP

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NFD in squeezed pot OOP

Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (6 Players) BN: $295.70
SB: $135.86 (Hero)
BB: $50.00
UTG: $95.75
MP: $235.51
CO: $125.79
Preflop ($1.50) Hero is SB with A K
2 folds, CO raises to $3.50, BN calls $3.50, Hero raises to $16.00, BB folds, CO calls $12.50, BN calls $12.50
Flop ($49.00) 9 Q 8
Hero bets $15.36, CO calls $15.36, BN raises to $62.60, Hero raises to $119.86 and is all in, CO folds, BN calls $57.26

Hi runitonce community :-),

I am a new member of the site and very excited to get started here! I am also looking forward to share knowledge/thoughts with you guys, so our games can improve :-D. Right now I focus on Online Cash Games (NLHE Zoom). I play poker for a long time as a hobby, also live games, but due to the pandemic now exclusively online.

Moreover I am very interested in solver analysis done with Piosolver. Maybe some of you can recommend essential videos to me how to get started with the program, that would be very helpful ;-).

To start my journey I present to you my first Hand (no reads on the players):

  1. Preflop: I squeeze out of the SB with AKs, now I prefer to raise bigger pre, maybe to 19BB as I am OOP against two players. Thoughts?

  2. Flop: I flop the NFD. However not quite sure how to proceed against two players. I think this flop is good for their calling ranges (containing 99, 88, 98s, JTs, QTs, QJs etc.). How would you likley proceed here?
    Do you c-bet with that part of your range and for what sizing? Or dont you c-bet, maybe planning on check-raising?

As played, raising all in feels like the best option. I feel committed and have a lot of equity and many BBs out there to fight for. Also CU appears to be weak just calling my c-bet contributing likely dead money to the pot.

Very interested to here your thoughts on the hand:-)


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