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nl1k 6max , Set faced river shove

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nl1k 6max , Set faced river shove

Villain is perceived as aggro , call open from BTN like 12-13 % , and 3b like 14-15 % ( 7k hands )

He bets flop vs missed Cbet 65%. We are perceived aggro too.

What do you think about turn and river line ? And now what to do ? ty all

UTG folds , UTG+1folds 

Hero 1633 ( CO ) 7s7h   raise  25

BTN 895                          call     25

sb fold , bb fold

8c 7c Jd  ( pot 65 )

Hero check , BTN check

8c 7c Jd    5c

Hero check , BTN bet 50

Hero raise  180

BTN call

8c 7c Jd   5c   3d  (pot 425)

Hero bet 380

BTN shove 690

Hero ???

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