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NL1k Stay balance: It matters ?

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NL1k Stay balance: It matters ?

UTG: $1000
HJ: $1791
CO: $1664.25
BN: $1267
SB: $1358.52 (Hero)
BB: $1012
Preflop ($15.00) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt K Q
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO raises to $22.50, BN folds, Hero calls $17.50, BB calls $12.50
Flop ($67.50) A T J (3 Players)
Hero checks, BB checks, CO bets $55, Hero raises to $160, BB folds, CO raises to $300, Hero calls $140
Turn ($722.50) A T J T (2 Players)
Hero checks, CO bets $450, Hero calls $450
River ($1622.50) A T J T 3 (2 Players)
Hero checks, CO bets $891.75, and is all in, Hero folds
Final Pot
CO wins $1564.50

My main question after play this hand is how important is stay balance at this spot ? 

I would not have any doubt if we were 100bb, but we start the hand 140bb deep. Which makes his click it back ackward for the times i have AJ/JJ/TT, even with 78dd/89dd, i think im not able to go broke on the flop (whit those hands). Most of the times im gonna face AA/JJ/KQ/or a better combodraw. And i really don´t think he could be to bluffy at this time: 3way pot, board hits everyones range very hard, etc..

So.. now that i have the nuts i start to think that if i want to play unpredictible i have to call. But i feel im giving to much credit to villains thougt proccess, because too many times the board changes and we dont end with all the chips in..

How important its this fact ?? 

And i´d like to know if i could also fold the turn.. Turn is the best card for the range im repping, i think no reg of nl1k would bluff this card..

What do you think ?

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