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NL200, CD Vs db flop..3barrel or not vs reg ?

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NL200, CD Vs db flop..3barrel or not vs reg ?

Blinds: $1.00/$2.00 (6 Players) BB: $200.00
UTG: $326.76
MP: $148.92
CO: $200.00
BN: $200.00 (Hero)
SB: $153.80
Preflop ($3.00) Hero is BN with 7 6
3 folds, Hero raises to $4.40, SB calls $3.40, BB calls $2.40
Flop ($13.20) 3 5 2
SB checks, BB bets $9.00, Hero raises to $31.50, SB folds, BB calls $22.50
Turn ($76.20) 3 5 2 T
BB checks, Hero bets $48.31, BB calls $48.31
River ($172.82) 3 5 2 T 5
BB checks, Hero checks
Final Pot BB wins and shows a pair of Fives.
BB wins $169.82
Rake is $3.00

HI everyone.
my tp here its been on the flop: to raise the cbet for FE ( not much he DB 6 and fold to a raise 50% ),and anyway i have a ton of equity.

Turn: cbet for the same reason of the fflop even if,here when oppo reg calls the raise flop i prolly have much less FE here..

River: ? Are in oppo range enough combo of FD or op that i could let him fold on the river ?

Thanks !!

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