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NL25 Btn Vs BB X raised flop tunr tough decision

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NL25 Btn Vs BB X raised flop tunr tough decision

Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players) BN: $73.63 (Hero)
SB: $28.18
BB: $30.52
UTG: $30.20
MP: $33.70
CO: $40.28
Preflop ($0.35) Hero is BN with Q A
3 folds, Hero raises to $0.55, SB folds, BB calls $0.30
Flop ($1.20) 2 6 Q
BB checks, Hero bets $0.75, BB raises to $2.84, Hero calls $2.09
Turn ($6.88) 2 6 Q J
BB bets $6.25, Hero raises to $21.88, BB raises to $27.13 and is all in, Hero calls $5.25
Final Pot BN lost and shows two pair, Aces and Queens.
BB wins and shows three of a kind, Deuces.
BB wins $59.14
Rake is $2.00

Hi, everyone. would love an op on this hand oppo is: (225 hands ) 25/20, XR29, WS27, W$50 How would you play against his xr flop ?
Does he has enough FD that he will xr there to justify our call flop? and if so isn't better 3bet flop than?
By just Bet/CALL flop do we fold any spade turn ?

as played flop turn is the most complicated,he bets Pot. By calling he will have a perfect 1psb river.
The Jc is not the best turn card of he XR middle value flop (QJ) rare but sometimes the could feel like they have protect against FD and A or K that coud comes ott, even if his stats le tme think that he's not a super fishi player.
So is it optimal oot just call? or just a direct fold ? I decided to SHove because his PSB and thought that he will feel commited with all his FD + hands like KQ AQ . I think best option are SHOVE>F>C What do you think ?

Thanks everyone who will give his thoughts on that!

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