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NL25z JJ

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NL25z JJ

Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players) BN: $25.00
SB: $24.90
BB: $46.83
UTG: $73.32
MP: $75.66 (Hero)
CO: $59.11
Preflop ($0.35) Hero is MP with J J
UTG raises to $0.62, Hero raises to $2.00, 4 folds, UTG calls $1.38
Flop ($4.35) 7 7 6
UTG checks, Hero bets $1.37, UTG raises to $4.34, Hero calls $2.97
Turn ($13.03) 7 7 6 7
UTG bets $7.54, Hero folds
Final Pot UTG wins $12.29
Rake is $0.74

i think i misplayed the turn completely,
OTF UTG can easily XR with QQ, KK even AA because the board in 3b pot doesnt hit really hit me so me calling XR was easy so should have been a call OTT. even though it does feel like i'm beaten i should have called it and then make a decision based OTR card. I know i kinda give UTG very narrow range but thats what it feels like to me
any thoughts?

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