NL50 SH Anon JJ 3rd set in 3b Pot fml

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NL50 SH Anon JJ 3rd set in 3b Pot fml

None: Jon Doe: 0

Edit: Sry seems I fked up trying to post the HH. Or is it because of Prima network HH. Any quick help pls? In the meantime, here is the hand

Villain - no reads, seems reg based on stacksize, OR sizing

Pre - 3b JJ 4 thin value/ initiative/ fold eq

Flop - bet 4 value vs TT+/AhQh/AhKh/AhQo; I think he sometimes (rarely) has AA/KK with Ah, Kh (w/o hearts I think he is raising)

Turn - Sucks, QQ is what I most likely put him on when he calls flop, but I still get value from most of his other hands

River - I think only hand I get value from is AQ, so I check. When he bets - I don't really see myself beating his betting range, I only beat AhQh/AhQo that could play like this. I need 26% equity to make the call.

Thinking back, based on the range I gave him, I think I should call.
Board: Jh9h4sQcAc
    Equity    Win    Tie
MP2    62.50%    62.50%    0.00%    { QQ, AdAh, AhAs, AhQh, AhQd, AhQs }
MP3    37.50%    37.50%    0.00%    { JJ }

What would you do?

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