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NL50 Zoom, Pokerstars - Queens on Khigh board in 4bet pot vs. reg

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NL50 Zoom, Pokerstars - Queens on Khigh board in 4bet pot vs. reg

Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players) BN: $58.69
SB: $53.91
BB: $25.50
UTG: $56.70
MP: $21.00
CO: $52.55 (Hero)
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is CO with Q Q
UTG folds, MP calls $0.50, Hero raises to $1.75, BN calls $1.75, SB raises to $6.50, BB folds, MP folds, Hero raises to $13.75, BN folds, SB calls $7.25
Flop ($30.25) T 9 K
SB checks, Hero checks
Turn ($30.25) T 9 K 3
SB bets $14.00, Hero calls $14.00
River ($58.25) T 9 K 3 2
SB bets $26.16 and is all in, Hero calls $24.80 and is all in

Not to sure about this one, villian plays 28/25/2,6 with 20% 3bet and seems pretty aggro postflop as well.

Do you cbet here always range IP? I am mixxin it a little bit vs. this kind of players who are able to bluff. His range here is pretty capt because I am pretty sure he is shoving JJ+, AK and maybe Axs as a bluff. So we are blocking his AQ bluffs but also his value range with suited KQ, QJ type of hands. So as value he is only shoving TT, 9T, 99 and Kx type of hands.

In game I decided to call vs. this kind of player, what do you guys think?

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