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Slowplayed AA multiway is it a call?

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Slowplayed AA multiway is it a call?

BN: $17.82
SB: $11.30
BB: $13.64
UTG: $11.72
HJ: $12.75 (Hero)
CO: $9.08
Preflop ($0.15) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt A A
UTG raises to $0.30, Hero calls $0.30, CO folds, BN calls $0.30, SB calls $0.25, BB folds
Flop ($1.30) 7 7 3 (4 Players)
SB checks, UTG bets $1, Hero calls $1, BN folds, SB folds
Turn ($3.30) 7 7 3 9 (2 Players)
UTG bets $2.50, Hero calls $2.50
River ($8.30) 7 7 3 9 K (2 Players)
UTG bets $7.90, Hero folds
Final Pot
UTG wins $7.93

Villains stats are VP 33/PR 21 over 52 hands and I have no notes on him, so not too much to go on. 

So I decided to flat pf w AA here bcs there where 2 players behind w very high 3bet stat (15 and 18). Instead, we get 2 more callers behind. Utg cbets into the 3 of us. UTGs range here should be pretty strong - it is possible he'd cbet AKs but that's the only bluff I can see when he bets into 3 ppl (or is that an incorrect assumption on a board this dry?). Otherwise I see his range being 77, 33, 88+, and A3s, A7s and a few Ax w backdoor draws if he'd open that pre. 

I call flop, the rest of the players fold. My range here for cold calling w 2 players left to act should be pretty strong in his eyes? He prolly doesn't see many KK or AA, but 77, 33 and 99-QQ are possible. There's not a lot of hands I would raise on this board texture multiway, so if I had 77 or 33 I call as well, as my pp.

On the turn I'd expect him to continue w most of that range, if he cbets AK on that flop he's firing another barrel I assume, same for Ax of hearts, and sometimes c/c 88,TT-JJ. Either way, still ahead of his betting range so easy call?

Now, river is Kc and villain ships it. Can't see him have any of the 1 pair hands anymore, or at least I almost never see someone shipping QQ in this spot, except for AK and AA, that I block combos in both, also I doubt he continues flop w all his AK combos. Is it possible he's turning his medium or smaller pairs into bluffs trying to get me off something like JJ? I dunno enough abt him to tell... 

His line look very strong, but on the other hand am I not pretty high up in my range? Is this good or bad fold on the river? As played pf, would you have played flop and turn differently (maybe thinking I should rip turn vs villains overpairs, now the K can potentially be an action killer on the river if he has a hand like TT-QQ)?

Ty :)

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