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straight vs river shove

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straight vs river shove

BN: $5.04
SB: $5.41
BB: $5.21
UTG: $5
HJ: $5
CO: $5.07 (Hero)
Hi, just trying out the add hand feature!

BB is playing 60/1 over 88 hands.
Preflop ($0.07) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt 6 4
UTG folds, HJ folds, Hero raises to $0.13, BN folds, SB folds, BB calls $0.08
BU + SB are nits, want to play this vs BB.
Flop ($0.28) 8 Q 5 (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets $0.20, BB calls $0.20
Fold to cbet of 50% + some equity makes cbet profitable.
Turn ($0.68) 8 Q 5 T (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero checks
Could think about barreling but

1) T hits his flop-call range somewhat (gives 2 pairs + gutshots + 9J straight)
2) He's a fish, don't think he's folding anything that called flop.

If I have any fold equity whatsoever it can never be that bad though given my pot equity.
River ($0.68) 8 Q 5 T 7 (2 Players)
BB bets $0.40, Hero raises to $1, BB raises to $4.88, and is all in, Hero folds
I have the third nuts here, 9J = nuts, 96 = 2nd nuts both of which are probably in his pf and flop calling range. Seemed a good spot to raise for value, expecting to get called by any 2pair combo. Plan was to raise/fold. Should we expect villain to shove worse though given that I can easily be raising river with a straight?
Final Pot
BB wins $2.57

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