Strategy against small 4bets OOP

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Strategy against small 4bets OOP

In today's games, every sizing preflop his smaller, and I find it tough to find the best strategy to adjust to small 4bets when I'm OOP.

Let's say BTN min-r, I 3bet to 7bb and he 4bets to 15bb. Shoving 100bb with a 30% equity hand against his stacking off range means that I need 58.9% FE to breakeven. I prefer shoving against bigger 4bets, because it needs to work less often (let's say a squeeze spot which makes the 4bet be 23bb+).

But against a small 4bet, should I design my ranges to be able to flat accordingly? If so, do I need to mostly flat all my continuing range to not be capped? Or is it better to have a small 5betting range that will allow villain to see a flop with all of his range given the odds we will lay him?

If I go for the option of flatting mostly all my continuing range, do I need to be depolarized from the BB as well? Or just reducing the numbers of bluffs I have and stay polarized? I normally 3bet depolarized from the SB and polarized from the BB.


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