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Study Group (25-100NL)

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Study Group (25-100NL)

Hey guys,

I'm looking for like-minded people to start a study group. I played a bunch back in the day and decided to start playing again this year.

I'm currently beating 50NL at a small rate (2.88bb/100) over a small sample of 50k hands. I've decided to invest in PIO Solver Pro, Simple GTO Trainer and have an elite membership here. I aim to focus on improving as a player and move up the stakes.

On top of the normal, I'm looking for players who want the same things out of studying - solver based, scripting, figuring out range construction on different board textures. Sharing our findings and the workload so we can get through it a lot quicker.

If this sounds like something you'd be up for then let me know and I'll add you in.

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