The Stop 'N Go Paradox

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The Stop 'N Go Paradox

So in MOP the ratio of bluffs to value bets on a three-street AKQ game (or any three street poker game with perfectly polarized ranges and perfectly static equity) would be the following for pot-sized bets on all three streets:

River--2 Value: 1 Bluff

Turn: 1 Value: 1 Bluff

Flop: 1 Value: 2 Bluff

Because this is the case, it seems that if we are in position and we bet the flop and our opponent calls the flop and then bets out of position on the turn, we are forced to call with a small amount of bluffs.  If this is the case, then why don't we ever see the stop 'n go in practice?  Is it because if the person betting the turn out of position is capped then we would just take the bluffs we had to continue with and raise them to balance our raises with nut hands? 

This seems reasonable, but it also seems like if our range is capped then we'll have to face big bets anyways.  I'm just a little confused as to why you NEVER see this play.  The answer has to be more than some vague "well in real poker, equities are dynamic you see..." since this should apply symetrically to both players. 

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