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TT 50z 4bpt

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TT 50z 4bpt

Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players) BN: $195.47
SB: $29.24
BB: $50.00
UTG: $38.07
MP: $62.80
CO: $53.64 (Hero)
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is CO with T T
UTG folds, MP raises to $1.25, Hero raises to $4.00, 3 folds, MP raises to $12.00, Hero calls $8.00
Flop ($24.75) J 7 9
MP bets $6.00, Hero calls $6.00
Turn ($36.75) J 7 9 6
MP bets $9.50, Hero calls $9.50
River ($55.75) J 7 9 6 5
MP checks, Hero checks

solver sometimes ships flop, but also solver as MP bet-calls TT AKs ATs AJo KTs K9s some in mixes, but those hands are almost never 4betting HJvCO in 50z pool and if, then not bet calling all in here, so do I have other options to play this hand?
What freq do you call river?

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