Understanding GTO problems

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Understanding GTO problems

Okay so recently had a discussion on skype with a mate;

YYY: people have huge misunderstandings of what unexploitable means in game theory
YYY: I think the best way to explain it is: think of two gto bots
YYY: when they play vs each other
YYY: they don't breakeven in every single individual situation
YYY: they have a give and take relationship
YYY: he has a +ev spot sometimes and you'll have that same +ev spot sometime in the long run
] YYY: you don't call with some % to stop him from making "auto profit" that's nothing to do with game theory
YYY: you maximise your ev

<<< we would test all possible frequencies vs an opponent reacting perfectly to us (so he knows our strat)
and then pick which one is the most +ev
XXX: but surely that
XXX: would just result in using the unexploitable frequencies anyway
XXX: the only thing up in the air is betsize choices

Basically, I thought if we ignore betsizes then GTO play would just result in choosing the exact correct folding frequencies and value to bluff ratios in every spot (which are a function of betsize anyway).
What my friend is saying is that some spots you will have to defend such that he can profitably bluff with any two cards because trying to defend more will be -EV

Help please, very confused.

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