Why is solver checking this turn so often?
Posted by wdres123
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Low Stakes
Why is solver checking this turn so often?
So the spot is small blind vs BTN 3b pot J84 monotone. From a range of sizes, the solver is c-betting about 50% for exclusively 1/3 sizing which makes a lot of sense. What confuses me is the frequency of checking on an offsuit J turn
Sizes here are 2/3, 55% and 1/3. I understand building a checking range here obviously but why is the solver checking so often? I thought this would be a card that favours our range more than BTN. Looking at a turn report, it's one of the worst cards for our range's equity behind a bunch of 5, 6, 7 and 8s. Why is this the case here? I thought we would have more Jx in range.
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