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Z500 Check ip with two pairs in strange situation

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Z500 Check ip with two pairs in strange situation

Blinds: $3.00/$6.00 (6 Players) SB: $612.24
BB: $616.35 (Hero)
UTG: $600.00
MP: $600.00
CO: $784.72
BN: $765.35
Preflop ($9.00) Hero is BB with J 9
3 folds, BN raises to $18.00, SB folds, Hero calls $12.00
Flop ($39.00) 8 4 Q
Hero checks, BN bets $28.52, Hero calls $28.52
Turn ($96.04) 8 4 Q A
Hero checks, BN checks
River ($96.04) 8 4 Q A K
Hero bets $69.40, BN calls $69.40
BTN hand is Qd4d
Final Pot BB lost and shows high card Ace.
BN wins and shows two pair, Queens and Fours.
BN wins $231.34
Rake is $3.50

Hi guys.
Not the first time faced with such situations when good opponents check ip such strong hands.
I'm not agree with opponent line. Q4s need a protection And it seems like a good equity against opponent's range. We does not block Ax hand. And Ad is one of the best turns for BTN range.
But when a good opponent that you do not understand, it is worth considering.
And the situation is really very simple. At first glance. 2 pair on drawy board = EZ bet.
So, I decided to work in Pio with this hand. And the results are in my opinion a bit strange.

So on flop Pio advice bet with Q8s,Q8o in 100% situations 84s -100%, But Q4s in 63%.
On turn Pio want bet Q8s,Q8o in 90%, 84s ~100%, but advice bet with Q4s only in 10%, and check another 53%.
I don't understand why. Yes, we blocked some Qx hand, but Q8 blocked it too.

What is check reason on turn with this hand, and not 2pairs stronger or weaker?

A check on the flop it is not quite clear. A more logical check 2 pair like Q8 (we blocked 2 high card on board). Or not?

Some Piosolver screenshots

BTN flop decision

BTN turn decision

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