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zoom nl16: Stackoff PF ok?

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zoom nl16: Stackoff PF ok?

Blinds: $0.08/$0.16 (6 Players) BN: $18.92
SB: $17.04
BB: $16.87 (Hero)
UTG: $17.98
MP: $17.15
CO: $8.74
Preflop ($0.24) Hero is BB with Q Q
UTG folds, MP raises to $0.36, 2 folds, SB raises to $1.93, Hero raises to $3.68, MP folds, SB raises to $17.04 and is all in, Hero calls $13.19 and is all in
Flop ($34.27) T J 2
Turn ($34.27) T J 2 5
River ($34.27) T J 2 5 8

Hello guys,

MP: TAG Reg with 20% RFI in MP an 57% fold to 3bet alltogether
SB: LAGish Reg with 10% 3bet alltogether, first time out of 20 to attack MP with 3bet

I have paused poker for several years due to job/familiy and want to start it new as a hobby.
So i am not familiar with the recent developments.
Is this stackoff for the limit too loose? I can't get a grip on the playerpool yet.

Thanks for any input.

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