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So, I've been in a very strange spot lately. There is a guy in a SNG that I play that makes gigantic preflop raises, for example: 50/100, he does 2,000 preflop, 20x !! Everyone starts the SNG with 20,000 chips. So should I have a calling range here vs this villain? What would you do with your range against these bizarre raises, and his range is pretty loose, like A8o UTG, raised 2,000, things like that. Should i just have a tight 3bet range here? He never folds pre, and fights for every pot pos, so if he makes 2.000, what should i do with 99? AK? AQ? If this game were a cashgame, i wouldnt have problem to explore this guy, but think about it, its a sit n go, and i have to be in the money a big percentage of the time, so seen's to me that playing huge pots vs huge agressive fish is counter intuitive, seens that would'nt be a good thing to my ROI. Im already a winner in these games, this year i made 33% ROI, but i think a can do better here.

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