Taking a Leak Without Leaking

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Taking a Leak Without Leaking

     This is a two part question, and is something that all live poker players face multiple times a day: At what point during the orbit do you take your restroom breaks? And if you miss your BB,  do you prefer buying the button, or Posting BB + dead SB in the cutoff?

     Let's assume the restroom is right outside the poker room and you make a dash for it as soon as you fold on the hand you're in.  On average you miss ~2 hands although sometimes you only miss 1 hand when the hand is a lengthy one.  Would you:

     A: Leave UTG+2 and be back in time for your big blind

     B: Leave UTG+1 and be back in time to buy the button

     C: Leave on your BB and be back in time to post in the CO

Obviously this is a bit of a funny question but I don't like giving up EV unnecessarily a thousand time a year or more.  Also, the question of buying the button vs posting behind is one that I've heard people argue about a lot and would like to hear some well thought out answers on which is most profitable.  I've generally preferred posting behind in a 9 handed game, as it is much easier to defend our post and the pot odds we are getting IP allow us to defend wider than buying the button.  But as everyone knows the button is the positing where we make the most money by far, so is the -EV of buying the button, more than made up for on the next hand?


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