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TPTK capped pot potential Flop donkingspot?

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TPTK capped pot potential Flop donkingspot?

Blinds: $1.00/$3.00 (6 Players) MP: $84.39 (Hero)
CO: $137.45
BN: $216.26
SB: $112.21
BB: $54.01
UTG: $99.65
Preflop ($4.00) Hero is MP with A T
UTG raises to $6.00, Hero raises to $9.00, CO folds, BN raises to $12.00, SB folds, BB calls $9.00, UTG calls $6.00, Hero calls $3.00
Flop ($49.00) 2 T 8
BB checks, UTG checks, Hero

BU has about 8 % capping range but only 500 hands, he capped KK,99,AKs and ATo before. In general he does Cbet a SRP only 84%.

Do you think a donkbet is ood in this scenario? The trouble I have with donking is that Villain will most likely raise any better hands and I can't really protect anyways against 2 OCs.

This could be his 4bettingrange
88+,ATs+,KQs,ATo+ which would lead to 8% while havong all the hands he capped before.
This range contains 77 Combos;
Valuehands 4 combos Sets (TT and 88), 21 OPs (AA-JJ), 6x AT and 6 combos 99 for 2nd Pair --> 37 Combos
missed OCs are 40 combos

Which mean that in almost 50% of the Time Villain will check behind and in case he bets I think my play should be a x/c.
Concluding I think I should be leading this Spot, since I don't want to allow anyone with a J,Q or K a freecard. What do you think?

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