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What do you do on the river.....

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Posted by posted in Limit Hold 'Em

What do you do on the river.....

None: $0

Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 Limit Hold'em - 7 players - [url=]View hand 2215830[/url]

[url=]DeucesCracked Poker Videos[/url] [url=]Hand History Converter[/url]

Hero is new to the table 0.25/0.5 LHE and both players have decent stacks.

BTN - open raises to 0.5

Hero - Ad/Ah - 3 bets 

BTN - caps

Hero - calls



Hero - check

BTN bets

Hero - raises

BTN - 3bets

Hero - calls.


Jc - euugh

Hero - checks/calls

BTN - bets

River - 

5d - double euugh...

Hero - checks/?

BTN - bets

Pot has 9.5BB in it 

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