$100 zoom, flopped 2nd set + NFD

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$100 zoom, flopped 2nd set + NFD

BN: $94.90 (Hero)
SB: $100.50
BB: $101
UTG: $476.97
HJ: $60.83
CO: $167.51
Preflop ($1.50) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt A 8 8 2
UTG raises to $3, HJ folds, CO folds, Hero calls $3, SB folds, BB folds
Villain was Brazilian and wasn't Urubu. No other reads. Blinds didn't seem too loose, which is not surprising given this is Zoom. I thought I could call here with a hand that plays okayish multiway, maybe this is a bit too loose?
Flop ($7.50) T 8 5 (2 Players)
UTG bets $5
This is one of those spots where I am not quite sure of what my best play is.

If I were OOP, I would x/r quite often so that I can nullify my positional disadvantage, as well as charging his draws or worse hands. When I am IP though, I tend to call pretty much always with various types of draws, and while that works fine because I can rep a wider range while keeping the pot small (and SPR large), sometimes I feel like I am missing value, or the optimal line, by doing so.

In general, would you have a raising range on this flop at all when the PFR c-bets into us? I guess TT/88 and maybe T8 can be raised for value, but if we were to raise those hands, what bluffs/semi-bluffs do we have in our range? And with good/decent draws, would there be merits for raising? I kind of think there should be some, but can't really explain very well. I guess making myself tough to play against would be one reason, and taking initiative would be another, so that we can sometimes bet and other times check back on various turns, etc. Beyond that, uhh, I don't know.

Help me, guys! :)

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