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$200-$400a 100bb OOP vs. Phil quick checkup

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$200-$400a 100bb OOP vs. Phil quick checkup

HJ: Ben86: $50498
CO: 5tgb6yhn7: $111170.13
BN: The Liar: $27601.14
SB: L0ve2playU: $18426.96
BB: Odd_Oddsen: $65538
UTG: MrSweets28: $40000
I don't think villain needs much introduction, he is probably the best/toughest TAG out there right now, so getting reads on him is pretty tough.

Anyways I believe villain is opening around 16-20% of hands here (not in 100% pure hot and cold equity obviously but more a combination between playability) (I do think top 18% in PPT rankings is representative-ish for his opening range) (Example: folding some bad ABBx).

He is cbetting ~60% and turn cbetting ~50% from my hud (I do think his cbetting and turn cbetting frequencies are a bit higher in this spot, since he is playing a much stronger range + he knows my range is somewhat wide here (~40% of hands.))

My reasoning for jamming the turn is that I believe he will play rivers pretty much perfect vs my range when I x/c the turn, so I kinda felt that I had a +EV spot just x/pot the turn and went for it to make my life easy on rivers. However this game
is not about making your life super easy everytime, but maximizing your EV.

My question is basicly whats your thoughts on x/c the turn and re-evaluating VS. x/jamming?
Preflop ($600.00) (6 Players)
Odd_Oddsen was dealt 3 7 6 K
MrSweets28 raises to $1400, Ben86 folds, 5tgb6yhn7 folds, The Liar folds, L0ve2playU folds, Odd_Oddsen calls $1000
I think my decision is close preflop playing such tough player with a strong range OOP for >= 100bb's.
I do however think I can defend it profitable with a discount and the dead antes in the middle (call $1000 to win $2480).
I do also think im folding preflop here without the antes in the middle.
Flop ($3000.00) T K 2 (2 Players)
Odd_Oddsen checks, MrSweets28 bets $1800, Odd_Oddsen calls $1800
Here might be my first missplay in the hand, I feel like this is a pretty loose peel on the flop OOP this deep vs 18%. If he is opening from CO/BTN this is another story. I feel x/r (blocker bluff merge) or x/fold might be better.
Turn ($6600.00) 3 (2 Players)
Odd_Oddsen checks, MrSweets28 bets $5200, Odd_Oddsen raises to $22675, MrSweets28 raises to $31520, Odd_Oddsen calls $14045
My question is basicly whats your thoughts on x/c the turn and re-evaluating VS. x/jamming as played?
River ($80040.00) J (2 Players)
I decided to hide the results so people won't get to result oriented :)
Final Pot
Odd_Oddsen has 3 7 6 K

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