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25/50 PLO ZOOM interesting deep spot

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25/50 PLO ZOOM interesting deep spot

BN: Sasuke234: $2296.30
SB: Domce: $10715.20
BB: YaAaRnY: $16537.08
CO: supernova9: $3471
Preflop ($75.00) (4 Players)
Domce was dealt K 5 8 K
supernova9 folds, Sasuke234 raises to $125, Domce raises to $425, YaAaRnY calls $375, Sasuke234 calls $300
Flop ($1300.00) T Q J (3 Players)
Domce bets $900, YaAaRnY calls $900, Sasuke234 raises to $1871.30, and is all in

Hello, guys it's a while since I have posted any hand. I played this hand almost a month ago during one live poker trip & was able to consult with a few top PLO names, who gave me somewhat of a straight answer about this spot & I don't feel that it's such an easy spot, hopefully gonna hear more competent opinions here. Short intro about opponent both are regulars, however looks like Sasuke is more of a shot maker and YaAaRnY regular who is challenging tough line ups & is quite creative opponent. I think it's more a ship for us than a fold, however maybe some of you can give reasonable opinion backed with math. Looking forward to your replies :)

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