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500z tough spot on the river

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500z tough spot on the river

Blinds: $2.50/$5.00 (6 Players) BN: anton8710: $196.47
SB: danfiu: $3787.94 (Hero)
BB: Backhendl: $500.00
UTG: 8BuyIn2Play: $2676.73
MP: RealCrapDad: $1739.17
CO: MIStrZZZ: $189.28
Villain is a very loose-aggressive reg, playing 4 zoom tables all the time.
Preflop ($7.50) danfiu is SB with 2 K K A
8BuyIn2Play folds, RealCrapDad raises to $17.50, MIStrZZZ folds, anton8710 calls $17.50, danfiu calls $15.00, Backhendl calls $12.50
Villain is opening about 35% from MP.
Flop ($70.00) Q 4 3
danfiu checks, Backhendl checks, RealCrapDad bets $48.28, anton8710 folds, danfiu calls $48.28, Backhendl folds
I would assume his cbet range looks like this:34+,56+:dd,Q+:dd,A5+:Add,AA:Ad. He cbets 3w+ around 25%. I know this is in general for all the boards. He knows that I wont have a chr range on this board so I am not capped at all in this spot.
Turn ($166.56) Q 4 3 3
danfiu checks, RealCrapDad bets $138.89, danfiu calls $138.89
I gave him this barelling range: 3+,56+:dd,Q+:dd,Add. When I call the turn my range I think in his eyes look like this: Q+:qdd+,KK+:(dd,hh).
River ($444.34) Q 4 3 3 3
danfiu checks, RealCrapDad bets $362.06, danfiu folds
His vbet range looks like this imo:44,qq,3,AA(not sure).
Final Pot RealCrapDad wins $441.54
Rake is $2.80

Hi guys. I just recently played this hand and would like to get help to construct his F,T,R ranges and how to view this spot if I should call or not. I ran sim in PJ and it gave me a +13bb call but I am still not sure about this spot.


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