5/5 4handed l/raise SB linecheck

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5/5 4handed l/raise SB linecheck

BB: Player4: $1297.75
CO: Player5: $381.25
BN: Player6: $960
SB: Hero: $516
Preflop ($10.00) (4 Players)
Hero was dealt Q K 6 T
Player5 folds, Player6 folds, Hero checks, Player4 raises to $10, Hero raises to $40, Player4 calls $30
BB was a very laggy fish, played 60/38 over 300 hands filtered 5-6handed, 4handed even looser, wasn't folding his BB once to a SB steal but also didnt 3bet a lot, and had raised so far every of my checks in the SB, so I thought that is a decent hand to check/3bet with, so I can play a bigger pot with iniative against a range I most propably dominate and also to calm him in future spots where I check-complete my SB.
Flop ($90.00) 3 A Q (2 Players)
Hero bets $45, Player4 calls $45
We get a quite decent flop, hitting middlepair with a nutgutshot and 2 backdoorflushdraws. I think as there are no draws and this board smashes our range I can bet on the smaller side, esp as I propably wanna call off if he raises, which should propably happen close to never. We get called and see a :
Turn ($180.00) K (2 Players)
Hero checks, Player4 bets $87, Hero calls $87
Not the worse but also not the best card in the deck, we improve to middle 2pair with a 1card gutter on a rainbow board. I see no point in betting so i decided to c/c against whatever his bettingrange might be there..
River ($354.00) 9 (2 Players)
Hero checks, Player4 checks
We face a total blank on the river and I'm still in the checkingmode, yet not sure if c/C or c/f, but propably on the c/f side since we block only a T and he might valuebet QQ or KKJ.

No more to add from my side, every thoughts/comments are appreciated.

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