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AA88 deep flop-play

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AA88 deep flop-play

UTG: burton_725: $150
HJ: Mr Veteran: $429.10
CO: KrossadChoklad: $910.95
BN: Mabbe: $342.95
SB: bluewhitehippo: $200
BB: Magnat74: $300.80
Preflop ($3.00) (6 Players)
KrossadChoklad was dealt 8 A A 8
Mr Veteran raises to $6, KrossadChoklad raises to $21, Mabbe calls $21, bluewhitehippo folds, Magnat74 folds, Mr Veteran calls $15
Flop ($66.00) 4 9 6 (4 Players)

Hi guys !

I feel a little bit unsecure what the best play is here when we are this deep...What do you guys prefer, bet or check ? If 

Mr Veteran is a pretty open straightforward player and Mabbe feels like he is more loose and can make som plays, havent played so much against them so i dont have any strong reads at them

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