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aaxx oop 3bet,turn cbet fold jam,what do you think this play?

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aaxx oop 3bet,turn cbet fold jam,what do you think this play?

BN: $100
SB: $317.04 (Hero)
BB: $108.76
Preflop ($1.50) (3 Players)
Hero was dealt A A 8 4
BN raises to $2.34, Hero raises to $8.02, BB folds, BN calls $5.68
Flop ($17.54) K 3 2 (2 Players)
Hero bets $11, BN calls $11
Turn ($39.54) K 3 2 Q (2 Players)
Hero bets $25, BN raises to $80.98, and is all in, Hero folds

I have only 50 hands of btn,28/15,cbet and af high,seems aggro.

what do you think my play?I am not happy bf turn,but villian always jam 2p+,at least tp+fdr

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