Aces post flop in squeeze spot, 3way, 1 player all in.

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Aces post flop in squeeze spot, 3way, 1 player all in.

Blinds: $0.10/$0.20 (4 Players) BB: $21.67
CO: $8.52
BN: $30.63
SB: $26.24 (Hero)
Preflop ($0.30) Hero is SB with T A A Q
CO raises to $0.70, BN raises to $2.40, Hero raises to $8.10, BB folds, CO raises to $8.52 and is all in, BN calls $6.12, Hero calls $0.42
Flop ($25.76) 6 2 5
Hero checks, BN bets $22.11 and is all in, Hero calls $17.72 and is all in
Turn ($65.59) 6 2 5 3
River ($65.59) 6 2 5 3 K
Final Pot CO wins and shows three of a kind, Kings.
BN lost and shows a pair of Eights.
SB wins and shows a pair of Aces.
CO wins $24.09 SB wins $34.61
Rake is $2.50

Do you auto-shove this flop with one player all in ?
Since BTN has to beat CO for the main pot and us for the side pot, he should call us only with a better range than just any pair+ right ?
So is it fine to try to go to showdown and maybe induce some "lighter" shoves ?
How would you balance that ( if there's any need to balance this rare spot) since you always want to cb with draws and good hands for value/ protection ?

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