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Bizzare hand

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Bizzare hand

Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players) BN: $12.50
SB: $24.35
BB: $31.10
UTG: $30.20 (Hero)
MP: $33.65
CO: $37.48
Preflop ($0.35) Hero is UTG with T 5 Q T
Hero calls $0.25, 2 folds, BN raises to $1.10, SB calls $1.00, BB calls $0.85, Hero calls $0.85
I know limp calling there is probably very bad... the play on the river is what concerns me
SB had Ah-2h-Jd-Kd
Flop ($4.40) 9 K T
SB checks, BB checks, Hero checks, BN checks
Turn ($4.40) 9 K T 8
SB checks, BB bets $1.25, Hero calls $1.25, BN folds, SB calls $1.25
River ($8.15) 9 K T 8 K
SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets $2.00, SB raises to $10.00, BB folds, Hero calls $8.00
Final Pot SB lost and shows three of a kind, Kings.
UTG wins and shows a full house, Tens full of Kings.
UTG wins $26.95
Rake is $1.20

So in position when checked to, I decide to value bet small because I want some value from straight.
When villain re-raise big, I was thinking about folding because I was sure he had Kings full but decided to call anyway after tanking for 60 seconds.

Is his raise on the river good considering he block the king's full and my call bad ?

Thanks guys, obviously not a great PLO player but watching video and trying to learn.
Also, any essential videos that could be good that I could have missed since i've be subbed for only 3 or 4 months ?

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