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bluffed on K22 flop with blocker,get trips on turn with top kicker,river flush

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bluffed on K22 flop with blocker,get trips on turn with top kicker,river flush

Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players) BN: $9.15
SB: $21.54 (Hero)
BB: $12.22
UTG: $18.76
MP: $23.93
CO: $15.95
Preflop ($0.15) Hero is SB with A K 4 6
UTG folds, MP raises to $0.35, 2 folds, Hero calls $0.30, BB folds
Villain is a reg
Flop ($0.80) 7 7 K
Hero checks, MP bets $0.32, Hero raises to $1.30, MP calls $0.98
Turn ($3.40) 7 7 K K
Hero bets $1.90, MP calls $1.90
SO I have trips with top kicker,and I value bet
River ($7.20) 7 7 K K 2
Hero checks, MP checks
Final Pot SB wins and shows three of a kind, Kings.
SB wins $6.89
Rake is $0.31
after I saw show down, I thought , he mostly have a 7 in his range,can I thin value here?

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